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Using import excel with real world data

Stata 12’s new import excel command can help you easily import real-world Excel files into Stata. Excel files often contain header and footer information in the first few and last few rows of a sheet, and you may not want that information loaded. Also, the column labels used in the sheet are invalid Stata variable names and therefore cannot be loaded. Both of these issues can be easily solved using import excel.

Let’s start by looking at an Excel spreadsheet, metro_gdp.xls, that is downloaded from the Bureau of Economic Analysis website.

Microsoft Excel screenshot


As you can see, the first five rows of the Excel file contain a description of the data, and rows 374 through 381 contain footer notes. We don’t want to load these rows into Stata. import excel has a cellrange() option that can help us avoid unwanted information being loaded.

With cellrange(), you specify the upper left cell and the lower right cell (using standard Excel notation) of the area of data you want loaded. In the file metro_gdp.xls, we want all the data from column A row 6 (upper left cell) to column L row 373 (lower right cell) loaded into Stata. To do this, we type

. import excel metro_gdp.xls, cellrange(A6:L373) clear

In Stata, we open the Data Editor to inspect the loaded data.

Stata Data Editor


The first row of the data we loaded contained column labels. Because of these labels, import excel loaded all the data as strings. import excel again has an easy fix. We need to specify the firstrow option to tell import excel that the first row of data contains the variable names.

. import excel metro_gdp.xls, cellrange(A6:L373) firstrow clear

We again open the Data Editor to inspect the data.

Stata Data Editor


The data are now in the correct format, but we are missing the year column labels. Stata does not accept numeric variable names, so import excel has to use the Excel column name (C, D, …) for the variable names instead of 2001, 2002, …. The simple solution is to rename the column headers in Excel to something like y2001, y2002, etc., before loading. You can also use Stata to rename the column headers. import excel saves the values in the first row of data as variable labels so that the information is not lost. If we describe the data, we will see all the column labels from the Excel file saved as variable labels.

. describe

Contains data
  obs:           367
 vars:            12
 size:        37,067
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
Fips            str5   %9s                    Fips
Area            str56  %56s                   Area
C               long   %10.0g                 2001
D               long   %10.0g                 2002
E               long   %10.0g                 2003
F               long   %10.0g                 2004
G               long   %10.0g                 2005
H               long   %10.0g                 2006
I               long   %10.0g                 2007
J               long   %10.0g                 2008
K               long   %10.0g                 2009
L               long   %10.0g                 2010
Sorted by:
     Note:  dataset has changed since last saved

We want to grab the variable label for each variable by using the extended macro function :variable label varname, create a valid lowercase variable name from that label by using the strtoname() and lower() functions, and rename the variable to the new name by using rename. We can do this with a foreach loop.

foreach var of varlist _all {
        local label : variable label `var'
        local new_name = lower(strtoname("`label'"))
        rename `var' `new_name'

Now when we describe our data, they look like this:

. describe

Contains data
  obs:           367
 vars:            12
 size:        37,067                          
              storage  display     value      
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
fips            str5   %9s                    Fips
area            str56  %56s                   Area
_2001           long   %10.0g                 2001
_2002           long   %10.0g                 2002
_2003           long   %10.0g                 2003
_2004           long   %10.0g                 2004
_2005           long   %10.0g                 2005
_2006           long   %10.0g                 2006
_2007           long   %10.0g                 2007
_2008           long   %10.0g                 2008
_2009           long   %10.0g                 2009
_2010           long   %10.0g                 2010
Sorted by:  
     Note:  dataset has changed since last saved

One last thing we might want to do is to rename the year variables from _20## to y20##, which we can easily accomplish with rename:

. rename (_*) (y*)

. describe

Contains data
  obs:           367
 vars:            12
 size:        37,067                          
              storage  display     value      
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
fips            str5   %9s                    Fips
area            str56  %56s                   Area
y2001           long   %10.0g                 2001
y2002           long   %10.0g                 2002
y2003           long   %10.0g                 2003
y2004           long   %10.0g                 2004
y2005           long   %10.0g                 2005
y2006           long   %10.0g                 2006
y2007           long   %10.0g                 2007
y2008           long   %10.0g                 2008
y2009           long   %10.0g                 2009
y2010           long   %10.0g                 2010
Sorted by:  
     Note:  dataset has changed since last saved
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