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Efficiency comparisons by Monte Carlo simulation


In this post, I show how to use Monte Carlo simulations to compare the efficiency of different estimators. I also illustrate what we mean by efficiency when discussing statistical estimators.

I wrote this post to continue a dialog with my friend who doubted the usefulness of the sample average as an estimator for the mean when the data-generating process (DGP) is a \(\chi^2\) distribution with \(1\) degree of freedom, denoted by a \(\chi^2(1)\) distribution. The sample average is a fine estimator, even though it is not the most efficient estimator for the mean. (Some researchers prefer to estimate the median instead of the mean for DGPs that generate outliers. I will address the trade-offs between these parameters in a future post. For now, I want to stick to estimating the mean.)

In this post, I also want to illustrate that Monte Carlo simulations can help explain abstract statistical concepts. I show how to use a Monte Carlo simulation to illustrate the meaning of an abstract statistical concept. (If you are new to Monte Carlo simulations in Stata, you might want to see Monte Carlo simulations using Stata.) Read more…

Maximum likelihood estimation by mlexp: A chi-squared example


In this post, I show how to use mlexp to estimate the degree of freedom parameter of a chi-squared distribution by maximum likelihood (ML). One example is unconditional, and another example models the parameter as a function of covariates. I also show how to generate data from chi-squared distributions and I illustrate how to use simulation methods to understand an estimation technique. Read more…

Monte Carlo simulations using Stata


A Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) of an estimator approximates the sampling distribution of an estimator by simulation methods for a particular data-generating process (DGP) and sample size. I use an MCS to learn how well estimation techniques perform for specific DGPs. In this post, I show how to perform an MCS study of an estimator in Stata and how to interpret the results.

Large-sample theory tells us that the sample average is a good estimator for the mean when the true DGP is a random sample from a \(\chi^2\) distribution with 1 degree of freedom, denoted by \(\chi^2(1)\). But a friend of mine claims this estimator will not work well for this DGP because the \(\chi^2(1)\) distribution will produce outliers. In this post, I use an MCS to see if the large-sample theory works well for this DGP in a sample of 500 observations. Read more…

Using gmm to solve two-step estimation problems

Two-step estimation problems can be solved using the gmm command.

When a two-step estimator produces consistent point estimates but inconsistent standard errors, it is known as the two-step-estimation problem. For instance, inverse-probability weighted (IPW) estimators are a weighted average in which the weights are estimated in the first step. Two-step estimators use first-step estimates to estimate the parameters of interest in a second step. The two-step-estimation problem arises because the second step ignores the estimation error in the first step.

One solution is to convert the two-step estimator into a one-step estimator. My favorite way to do this conversion is to stack the equations solved by each of the two estimators and solve them jointly. This one-step approach produces consistent point estimates and consistent standard errors. There is no two-step problem because all the computations are performed jointly. Newey (1984) derives and justifies this approach. Read more…

New Wooldridge edition just made available

Insiders have been waiting for the second edition of Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge. I have a copy and really recommend it; later I will write a review as to why.

The book is available at the Stata bookstore and the MIT Press bookstore. It is $84 at our bookstore and $94 at MIT. The book is not yet available from Amazon.