“The book that Stata programmers have been waiting for” is how the Stata Press describes my new book on Mata, the full title of which is
The Mata Book: A Book for Serious Programmers and Those Who Want to Be
The Stata Press took its cue from me in claiming that it this the book you have been waiting for, although I was less presumptuous in the introduction:
This book is for you if you have tried to learn Mata by reading the Mata Reference Manual and failed. You are not alone. Though the manual describes the parts of Mata, it never gets around to telling you what Mata is, what is special about Mata, what you might do with Mata, or even how Mata’s parts fit together. This book does that.
I’m excited about the book, but for a while I despaired of ever completing it. I started and stopped four times. I stopped because the drafts were boring. Read more…
Reflecting on the year, Stata has a lot to be thankful for—we released Stata 14, celebrated 30 years of Stata, and had the pleasure of meeting and working with many great people, including our Stata Press authors.
Are you interested in writing a book about Stata or just a book on statistics? We’d love to work with you too. Stata Press offers books with clear, step-by-step examples that make learning and teaching easier. Read more about our submission guidelines, or contact us to get started.
If you’re searching for a good book to read during the holidays, check out our full list of books or our most recent ones below. If you’d like to be notified when new books are released, sign up for Stata Press email alerts.
I hope you all have a great New Year!

Stata for the Behavioral Sciences
Michael N. Mitchell’s Stata for the Behavioral Sciences is an ideal reference for Read more…
Insiders have been waiting for the second edition of Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data by Jeffrey M. Wooldridge. I have a copy and really recommend it; later I will write a review as to why.
The book is available at the Stata bookstore and the MIT Press bookstore. It is $84 at our bookstore and $94 at MIT. The book is not yet available from Amazon.