Just released from Stata Press: An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers, Fifth Edition
Stata Press is pleased to announce the release of An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers, Fifth Edition, by Svend Juul and Morten Frydenberg. This book debuted at #1 on Kindle’s new release list for Probability & Statistics and debuted on the top ten list on Kindle’s new release list for Mathematics.
Juul and Frydenberg have updated their classic book, which has become a standard reference for health researchers. It teaches readers how to work in Stata effectively and how to perform statistical analyses that are foundational to those performing health research.
The new edition has been updated to incorporate features added to Stata since the last edition was published. The authors introduce the customizable tables features that are new in Stata 17. They added a new chapter devoted to the suite of commands for power, precision, and sample-size analysis. The book also includes a completely revised chapter on careful documentation of data management and analysis, a discussion of Unicode, and a new section on the 9th and 10th releases of the International Classification of Diseases.
The fifth edition of Juul and Frydenberg’s An Introduction to Stata for Health Researchers is an ideal resource for new Stata users as well as experienced Stata users who want to learn about the latest features for health researchers. The authors’ writing style is clear and engaging. The book includes many worked examples, and the datasets are downloadable so that readers can follow along. This text would be an excellent supplemental text for an introductory statistics course as well as a useful reference for more advanced health researchers in fields such as epidemiology, biostatistics, health policy, and public health.
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