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Advanced Mata: Pointers

I’m still recycling my talk called “Mata, The Missing Manual” at user meetings, a talk designed to make Mata more approachable. One of the things I say late in the talk is, “Unless you already know what pointers are and know you need them, ignore them. You don’t need them.” And here I am writing about, of all things, pointers. Well, I exaggerated a little in my talk, but just a little.

Before you take my previous advice and stop reading, let me explain: Mata serves a number of purposes and one of them is as the primary langugage we at StataCorp use to implement new features in Stata. I’m not referring to mock ups, toys, and experiments, I’m talking about ready-to-ship code. Stata 12’s Structural Equation Modeling features are written in Mata, so is Multiple Imputation, so is Stata’s optimizer that is used by nearly all estimation commands, and so are most features. Mata has a side to it that is exceedingly serious and intended for use by serious developers, and every one of those features are available to users just as they are to StataCorp developers. This is one of the reasons there are so many user-written commands are available for Stata. Even if you don’t use the serious features, you benefit.

So every so often I need to take time out and address the concerns of these user/developers. I knew I needed to do that now when Kit Baum emailed a question to me that ended with “I’m stumped.” Kit is the author of An Introduction to Stata Programming which has done more to make Mata approachable to professional researchers than anything StataCorp has done, and Kit is not often stumped.

I have a certain reptutation about how I answer most questions. “Why do you want to do that?” I invariably reply, or worse, “You don’t want to do that!” and then go on to give the answer to the question I wished they had asked. When Kit asks a question, however, I just answer it. Kit asked a question about pointers by setting up an artificial example and I have no idea what his real motivation was, so I’m not even going to try to motivate the question for you. The question is interesting in and of itself anyway.

Here is Kit’s artificial example:

real function x2(real scalar x) return(x^2)
real function x3(real scalar x) return(x^3) 

void function tryit() 
        pointer(real scalar function) scalar fn
        string rowvector                     func
        real scalar                          i

        func = ("x2", "x3")
        for(i=1;i<=length(func);i++) {
                fn = &(func[i])

Kit is working with pointers, and not just pointers to variables, but pointers to functions. A pointer is the memory address, the address where the variable or function is stored. Real compilers translate names into memory addresses which is one of the reasons real compilers produce code that runs fast. Mata is a real compiler. Anyway, pointers are memory addresses, such as 58, 212,770, 427,339,488, except the values are usually written in hexadecimal rather than decimal. In the example, Kit has two functions, x2(x) and x3(x). Kit wants to create a vector of the function addresses and then call each of the functions in the vector. In the artificial example, he's calling each with an argument of 4.

The above code does not work:

: tryit()
         tryit():  3101  matrix found where function required
         <istmt>:     -  function returned error

The error message is from the Mata compiler and it's complaining about the line


but the real problem is earlier in the tryit() code.

One corrected version of tryit() would read,

void function tryit()
        pointer(real scalar function) scalar fn
        pointer(real scalar function) vector func     // <---
        real scalar                          i

        func = (&x2(), &x3())                         // <---
        for(i=1;i<=length(func);i++) {
                fn = func[i]                          // <---

If you make the three changes I marked, tryit() works:

: tryit()

I want to explain this code and alternative ways the code could have been fixed. It will be easier if we just work interactively, so let's start all over again:

: real scalar x2(x) return(x^2)

: real scalar x3(x) return(x^3)

: func = (&x2(), &x3())

Let's take a look at what is in func:

: func
                1            2
  1 |  0x19551ef8   0x19552048  |

Those are memory addresses. When we typed &x2() and &x3() in the line

: func = (&x2(), &x3())

functions x2() and x3() were not called. &x2() and &x3() instead evaluate to the addresses of the functions named x2() and x3(). I can demonstrate this:

: &x2()

0x19551ef8 is the memory address of where the function x2() is stored. 0x19551ef8 may not look like a number, but that is only because it is presented in base 16. 0x19551ef8 is in fact the number 425,008,888, and the compiled code for the function x2() starts at the 425,008,888th byte of memory and continues thereafter.

Let's assign to fn the value of the address of one of the functions, say x2(). I could do that by typing

: fn = func[1]

or by typing

: fn = &x2()

and either way, when I look at fn, it contains a memory address:

: fn

Let's now call the function whose address we have stored in fn:

: (*fn)(2)

When we call a function and want to pass 2 as an argument, we normally code f(2). In this case, we substitute (*fn) for f because we do not want to call the function named f(), we want to call the function whose address is stored in variable fn. The operator * usually means multiplication, but when * is used as a prefix, it means something different, in much the same way the minus operator - can be subtract or negate. The meaning of unary * is "the contents of". When we code *fn, we mean not the value 425,008,888 stored in fn, we mean the contents of the memory address 425,008,888, which happens to be the function x2().

We type (*fn)(2) and not *fn(2) because *fn(2) would be interpreted to mean *(fn(2)). If there were a function named fn(), that function would be called with argument 2, the result obtained, and then the star would take the contents of that memory address, assuming fn(2) returned a memory address. If it didn't, we'd get a type mismatch error.

The syntax can be confusing until you understand the reasoning behind it. Let's start with all new names. Consider something named X. Actually, there could be two different things named X and Mata would not be confused. There could be a variable named X and there could be a function named X(). To Mata, X and X() are different things, or said in the jargon, have different name spaces. In Mata, variables and functions can have the same names. Variables and functions having the same names in C is not allowed -- C has only one name space. So in C, you can type

fn = &x2

to obtain the address of variable x2 or function x2(), but in Mata, the above means the address of the variable x2, and if there is no such variable, that's an error. In Mata, to obtain the address of function x2(), you type

fn = &x2()

The syntax &x2() is a definitional nugget; there is no taking it apart to understand its logic. But we can take apart the logic of the programmer who defined the syntax. & means "address of" and &thing means to take the address of thing. If thing is a name -- &name -- that means to look up name in the variable space and return its address. If thing is name(), that means look up name in the function space and return its address. They way we formally write this grammar is

 &thing, where 

 thing  :=   name

There are three possibilities for thing; it's a name or it's a name followed by () or it's an expression. The last is not much used. &2 creates a literal 2 and then tells you the address where the 2 is stored, which might be 0x195525d8. &(2+3) creates 5 and then tells you where the 5 is stored.

But let's get back to Kit's problem. Kit coded,

func = ("x2", "x3")

and I said no, code instead

func = (&x2(), &x3())

You do not use strings to obtain pointers, you use the actual name prefixed by ampersand.

There's a subtle difference in what Kit was trying to code and what I did code, however. In what Kit tried to code, Kit was seeking "run-time binding". I, however, coded "compile-time binding". I'm about to explain the difference and show you how to achieve run-time binding, but before I do, let me tell you that

  1. You probably want compile-time binding.
  2. Compile-time binding is faster.
  3. Run-time binding is sometimes required, but when persons new to pointers think they need run-time binding, they usually do not.

Let me define compile-time and run-time binding:

  1. Binding refers to establishing addresses corresponding to names and names(). The names are said to be bound to the address.

  2. In compile-time binding, the addresses are established at the time the code is compiled.

    More correctly, compile-time binding does not really occur at the time the code is compiled, it occurs when the code is brought together for execution, an act called linking and which happens automatically in Mata. This is a fine and unimportant distiction, but I do not want you to think that all the functions have to be compiled at the same time or that the order in which they are compiled matters.

    In compile-time binding, if any functions are missing when the code is brought together for execution, and error message is issued.

  3. In run-time binding, the addresses are established at the time the code is executed (run), which happens after compilation, and after linking, and is an explicit act performed by you, the programmer.

To obtain the address of a variable or function at run-time, you use built-in function findexternal(). findexternal() takes one argument, a string scalar, containing the name of the object to be found. The function looks up that name and returns the address corresponding to it, or it returns NULL if the object cannot be found. NULL is the word used to mean invalid memory address and is in fact defined as equaling zero.

findexternal() can be used only with globals. The other variables that appear in your program might appear to have names, but those names are used solely by the compiler and, in the compiled code, these "stack-variables" or "local variables" are referred to by their addresses. The names play no other role and are not even preserved, so findexternal() cannot be used to obtain their addresses. There would be no reason you would want findexternal() to find their addresses because, in all such cases, the ampersand prefix is a perfect substitute.

Functions, however, are global, so we can look up functions. Watch:

: findexternal("x2()")

Compare that with

: &x2()

It's the same result, but they were produced differently. In the findexternal() case, the 0x19551ef8 result was produced after the code was compiled and assembled. The value was obtained, in fact, by execution of the findexternal() function.

In the &x2() case, the 0x19551ef8 result was obtained during the compile/assembly process. We can better understand the distinction if we look up a function that does not exist. I have no function named x4(). Let's obtain x4()'s address:

: findexternal("x4()")

: &x4()
         <istmt>:  3499  x4() not found

I may have no function named x4(), but that didn't bother findexternal(). It merely returned 0x0, another way of saying NULL.

In the &x4() case, the compiler issued an error. The compiler, faced with evaluating &x4(), could not, and so complained.

Anyway, here is how we could write tryit() with run-time binding using the findexternal() function:

void function tryit() 
        pointer(real scalar function) scalar fn
        pointer(real scalar function) vector func
        real scalar                          i

        func = (findexternal("x2()"), findexternal("x3()")

        for(i=1;i<=length(func);i++) {
                fn = func[i]

To obtain run-time rather than compile-time bindings, all I did was change the line

        func = (&x2(), &x3())

to be

        func = (findexternal("x2()"), findexternal("x3()")

Or we could write it this way:

void function tryit() 
        pointer(real scalar function) scalar fn
        string vector                        func
        real scalar                          i

        func = ("x2()", "x3()")

        for(i=1;i<=length(func);i++) {
                fn = findexternal(func[i])

In this variation, I put the names in a string vector just as Kit did originally. Then I changed the line that Kit wrote,

        fn = &(func[i])

to read

        fn = findexternal(func[i])

Either way you code it, when performing run-time binding, you the programmer should deal with what is to be done if the function is not found. The loop

for(i=1;i<=length(func);i++) {
        fn = findexternal(func[i])

would better read

for(i=1;i<=length(func);i++) {
        fn = findexternal(func[i])
        if (fn!=NULL) {
        else {

Unlike C, if you do not include the code for the not-found case, the program will not crash if the function is not found. Mata will give you an "invalid use of NULL pointer" error message and a traceback log.

If you were writing a program in which the user of your program was to pass to you a function you were to use, such as a likelihood function to be maximized, you could write your program with compile-time binding by coding,

function myopt(..., pointer(real scalar function) scalar f, ...)
        ... (*f)(...) ...

and the user would call you program my coding myopt(..., &myfunc(), ...), or you could use run-time binding by coding

function myopt(..., string scalar fname, ...)
        pointer(real scalar function) scalar f

        f = findexternal(fname)
        if (f==NULL) {
                errprintf("function %s() not found\n", fname)
        ... (*f)(...) ...

and the user would call your program by coding myopt(..., "myfunc()", ...).

In this case I could be convinced to prefer the run-time binding solution for professional code because, the error being tolerated by Mata, I can write code to give a better, more professional looking error message.

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