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Retaining an Excel cell’s format when using putexcel

In a previous blog entry, I talked about the new Stata 13 command putexcel and how we could use putexcel with a Stata command’s stored results to create tables in an Excel file.

After the entry was posted, a few users pointed out two features they wanted added to putexcel:

  1. Retain a cell’s format after writing numeric data to it.
  2. Allow putexcel to format a cell.

In Stata 13.1, we added the new option keepcellformat to putexcel. This option retains a cell’s format after writing numeric data to it. keepcellformat is useful for people who want to automate the updating of a report or paper. Read more…

Categories: Programming Tags: , , , , ,

Export tables to Excel

Update 07 June 2018: See Export tabulation results to Excel—Update for new features that have been added since this original blog.

There is a new command in Stata 13, putexcel, that allows you to easily export matrices, expressions, and stored results to an Excel file. Combining putexcel with a Stata command’s stored results allows you to create the table displayed in your Stata Results window in an Excel file. Read more…

Categories: Programming Tags: , , , ,

Using import excel with real world data

Stata 12’s new import excel command can help you easily import real-world Excel files into Stata. Excel files often contain header and footer information in the first few and last few rows of a sheet, and you may not want that information loaded. Also, the column labels used in the sheet are invalid Stata variable names and therefore cannot be loaded. Both of these issues can be easily solved using import excel. Read more…

Categories: Data Management Tags: ,

Building complicated expressions the easy way

Have you every wanted to make an “easy” calculation–say, after fitting a model–and gotten lost because you just weren’t sure where to find the degrees of freedom of the residual or the standard error of the coefficient? Have you ever been in the midst of constructing an “easy” calculation and was suddenly unsure just what e(df_r) really was? I have a solution.

It’s called Stata’s expression builder. You can get to it from the display dialog (Data->Other Utilities->Hand Calculator) Read more…

Categories: Statistics Tags: ,

Connection string support added to odbc command

Stata’s odbc command allows you to import data from and export data to any ODBC data source on your computer. ODBC is a standardized way for applications to read data from and write data to different data sources such as databases and spreadsheets.

Until now, before you could use the odbc command, you had to add a named data source (DSN) to the computer via the ODBC Data Source Administrator. If you did not have administrator privileges on your computer, you could not do this. Read more…