
Posts Tagged ‘guide’

Stata Certified Gift Guide 2020

The holidays are fast approaching, and if you’re like most people, you’re still not exactly sure
what gift(s) to get those special people in your life. Enter the Stata Certified Gift Guide. We’ve
scoured the Internet high and low, consulted with our entire team, and finally compiled the ultimate gift guide for data geeks! Sure, you could go the typical gift card route, but where’s the fun in that? Read more…

Stata Certified Gift Guide 2019

The holidays are fast approaching, and if you’re like most people, you’re still not exactly sure what gift or gifts to get those special people in your life. Enter the Stata Certified Gift Guide. We polled our team and compiled their favorites into the ultimate gift guide for data lovers! Sure, you could go the typical gift card route, but where’s the fun in that?

Power Nap Pillow
Sometimes, you just need to close the door and take a power nap.

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