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Stata 13 ships June 24

There’s a new release of Stata. You can order it now, it starts shipping on June 24, and you can find out about it at

Well, we sure haven’t made that sound exciting when, in fact, Stata 13 is a big — we mean really BIG — release, and we really do want to tell you about it.

Rather than summarizing, however, we’ll send you to the website, which in addition to the standard marketing materials, has technical sheets, demonstrations, and even videos of the new features.

And all 11,000 pages of the manuals are now online.

Comments are now open!

To get to them, just click on the title of the post and scroll to the bottom of the page. To begin, we are allowing guest comments, so you do not even have to register, although registration is easy.

Categories: Blogs Tags:

We’re turning on comments next week

25 February 2011 No comments

Our target date for tuning on comments is Wednesday of next week. Don’t hold us to it, but we’re optimistic on meeting our deadline.

In the meantime, Bill Gould is so excited he’s put on hold his latest blog entry. It’s about linear algebra—matrices in particular—so it won’t exactly go out of date, and he’s looking forward to seeing the comments. Bill’s very proud of what he’s written, so be gentle. We’ll put up his posting right after comments are enabled.

Categories: Company Tags:

2011 Mexican Stata Users Group meeting — call for presentations

The 2011 Mexican Stata Users Group meeting has been scheduled for May 12, 2011.

The Mexican Stata Users Group meeting is a one-day international conference about the use of Stata in a wide breadth of fields and environments, mixing theory and practice. The bulk of the conference is made up of selected submitted presentations. Together with the keynote address and a featured presentation by a member of StataCorp’s technical staff, these sessions provide fertile ground for learning about statistics and Stata. All users are encouraged to submit abstracts for possible presentations.

For the full meeting details, submission guidelines, and registration information, please see

Date: May 12, 2011
Venue: Institute for Economic Research, National Autonomous University of
Mexico, Circuito Mario de la Cueva, Ciudad de la Investigación
Humanidades, Ciudad Universitaria, C.P.04510, México, D.F.
Submission deadline: March 19, 2011
More information: click here

Scientific committee:

Alfonso Miranda (chair)
Institute of Education, University of London
Email: [email protected]

Armando Sánchez Vargas
Institute for Economic Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Email: [email protected]

Graciela Teruel Belismelis
Economics Department, Iberoamerican University
Email: [email protected]

Logistics organizer:

MultiON Consulting SA de CV, distributor of Stata in Mexico and Central America
Victoria Leon
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +52 (55) 5559 4050 x 160

Visit Stata at APHA 2010

StataCorp will have a booth in the exhibit hall at the American Public Health Association’s Annual Meeting & Exposition.

APHA’s 2010 meeting will be in Denver, Colorado, from November 6 through 10. For more information, visit

Stata representatives, including Roberto G. Gutierrez, Director of Statistics, will be available at the Stata booth to answer your questions about all things Stata. Stop by booth #1603 to visit with the people who develop and support the software and to get 20% off your purchase of Stata Press books and Stata Journal subscriptions.

Also make plans to attend our brief seminar, “Stata 11: Statistical Software for the Health Sciences”, led by Roberto G. Gutierrez. The workshop will be held Monday, November 8, at 4:00 PM in the APHA Exhibitor Theatre, booth #2093.


Welcome to Not Elsewhere Classified, the Stata blog.

Here we will try to keep you up-to-date about all things related to Stata Statistical Software. That includes not only product announcements from StataCorp and others, but timely tips (and sometimes comments) on other news related to the use of Stata.

Many entries will be signed by members of the StataCorp staff.

If you have any tips or comments for us, email [email protected].

Categories: Blogs, Company Tags: